A little later, and quite a bit shorter than usual today, partly because I’ve been catching up as I’ve been under the weather, and also due to life admin.
Namely, tidying and identifying lone socks.
A: "Where on earth are their partners? Down the garden after escaping the washing line? And B: What does one do with five odd socks? Especially when they’re as odd as this line up…
Anyway, as you may know, I’m a fan of experiments, and here’s my latest – a poem, inspired by something that happened today.
Here goes:
We walked down the street, us two You came towards us, a bit older Than we remembered We passed each other and I could see You turn to look at the two of us I quietly froze Did you see him? I said to my friend Her mind clicked into gear Yes! She said He went on dates With both of us At different times In different years How strange for him To see us walking One tall brunette, one small blonde Not knowing we are friends
What do you reckon? Has this ever happened to you - like this, or the other way around, where you’ve realised two people you’ve dated are in fact, friends?
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