If you have health you can do anything at any age. I had read about a doctor who was still practising medicine at the age of 101!

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I love this! Ageism also can take up to 7 years off our lives which is freaky. Enjoyed reading.❤️

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Thanks, Jennifer. Gosh, 7 years, that’s horrifying!

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It is!!

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Thanks, Jennifer. Gosh, 7 years, that’s horrifying!

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I'm 82 but I still think like a teenager: rebellious, moody, confident I know better than most but am still underappreciated, sceptical about others' experience, yet loving and eager to be loved. My mother lived to 103 and said no one teaches you how to be old. That's because it's not something you learn, it's something you experience.

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Thank you, Peter. I have many of those thoughts and feelings myself.

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That she is a childless/childfree icon is something I will always cherish about her. I have to be honest, until I saw the documentary, Iris, on Netflix, I had never heard of her. Then she was everywhere. I also love that she was a New Yorker. When I think of New York, I think of people like Iris, and all the fabulous parties she's been to.

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Thank you!

Love, love Iris Apfel!! Hope to be like her at that age!

There was a great documentary on Netflix of her, for those who don’t know her…

How important role models are! And our own narrative for aging well.

Fear is the enemy and so are expectations.

All we truly have is today.

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‘Fear is the enemy and so are expectations’. Couldn’t agree more! I will look the documentary up.

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The Netflix show ‘Blue Zones’ highlights 20 years of research around centurions around the world and how they are living.. it’s thought provoking and so inspiring!

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Ooh I will have a look, thank you! X

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Never heard of Iris, may she rest in peace. Age is an attempt to break people down. On one hand society’s talk of age equality and then there’s no support in the workforce for older people. Youare made to feel inept. It’s up to the individual to make it happen. Louise Hay was another inspiration. Wrote hee books aged 60+. I shall try one leg tooth brushing. What’s the benefit?

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Ooh thank you, I will look up Louise Hay. And re one-legged teeth cleaning - it’s a good way to maintain balance as you get older and doing it while cleaning your teeth means you get into the habit more easily.

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Yes, me too. I feel a post coming on about women who are childfree…

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I have never felt my age until recently after a serious cycling accident and a bout with cancer. In my 60’s I was cycling with riders nearly half my age. They were always so surprised when I told them I had been riding for over 30 years, and had a Medicare card. It was funny to see their reactions. I would tell them if you do something long enough you get good at it. Cycling kept me young. I used to do triathlons and hope to do one this summer (closed cycling course). Anyway, when you do get older the worse thing you can do imo is focus on your age. It limits you. Don’t do it. Act in accordance with how you feel.

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