Hard relate to the pretty vintage chair that never gets sat on. I have one in the living room. The only person who ever sits on it is one of the teenage gaggle of neighbours who regularly stop by to eat things from my fridge (and see my son). I’m irrationally always irked by the way he always chooses to sit on the “pretty chair” instead of the settee 😂

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I recommend https://www.eframe.co.uk/ for when you tackle those pictures.

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Ooh thanks!

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Another lovely essay, Lucy! I also work in a cluttered room formerly known as bed. However, I deflect by the clutter as organic chaos that is grounded on a hazy memory or research that found untidy workers were more creative.

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I am sure that is true! From clutter comes clarity of mind? Or something…

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You are asking great questions here! I personally love round hat-boxes. They usually come in pretty pastel colours,they look good stacked, they make for awesome side-tables too. I find them a decent way to store memories in a dignified way. No offence to Corona! ;)

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