I really enjoy your writing Lucy, I am not sure how I ended up subscribing. In the spirit of authenticity, I look forward to your newsletter. Mostly because I too am child-less in my 40s, and I loved how you wrote about it. I feel like I don’t fall into the camp of people who deliberately decided not to have kids, or that that can’t… it simply just hasn’t happened for me… and I’ve not wanted to go it alone. And gosh it’s a weird place to be. There are days when the grief of what might have been is overwhelming, and others that I feel lucky for what I have.

Life really does happen. I think I grew up thinking there would be a time when I had it sussed and that was that, however things keep coming. And I really am at that point of wanting to enjoy when things are good, and store that energy for when they are not. And acknowledging that everyday usually is a mix. I enjoy your writing for that reason, the mix, the ups and downs and in-betweens.

So thank you :)

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Thank you, I really appreciate that. And I get that ‘things keep coming’ too.

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Hiya, Lucy. I'm not your typical reader and yet am so like them. Take SJL, for example, especially her last four lines, but really… I am riding the ups and downs slowly and getting to know myself along the way. I was raised to believe that it was rude and selfish to focus on myself but now self-focus is part of a survival strategy. As long as I'm learning I can put one foot in front of the other. You see, I'm 70 years old. Three years ago my husband of 47 years died, then my nephew (who had three daughters) died from Fentanyl OD, then my eldest sister died on Xmas Eve (her favorite day of the year) and a year later I became caregiver for my middle sister for six months until she died of breast cancer. I am well and truly alone, and while it is hard to breathe at times, I'm making it! I feel blessed! I have a cozy home, a delightful dog-pal, and best of all, I'm an introvert! Thank Goddess!

Yeah, SJL, life alone IS the wierdest, and yes things DO keep happening, which is a good thing. This holiday season is the most fun one I've ever had because every week or so I'm doing something fun or beautiful or interesting. And I'm learning to listen to my heart.

Thank You for listening, Lucy.

Be well, stay hopeful, and take joy!

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Hello Holly, and thank you for your message. I’m very sorry to read about your losses. I am happy to hear you are putting one foot in front of the other and agree that getting to know yourself is important, and a lifelong task, or experiment. Delighted you are having a happy holiday season and I wish you more joy, self-discoveries and cosy times in 2024. Thank you for being here x

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Another lovely genuine piece, Lucy! I love your writing and the way you carry the reader with you like a gently flowing river.

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Ah thank you Rob! That means a lot.

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Hi Lucy, another great article, thanks. I discovered you from your article in the Guardian about finding joy without having children, which resonated with me, and I have been following your writing, which I really enjoy, ever since.

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I always enjoy the emails Lucy. They give me wonderful perspective.

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Thank you. I’m glad to hear that 🙏

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Thank you for being here, Ilias!

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This is exactly what I like to read, whether I know the person or not, the honest, regular things and feelings (...of course some celebratory, extraordinary things in between are more than fine) :)

The series sounds really interesting!

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