Great theme. I love reading the 'Wednesday Wins' thread on a group of freelance women that I'm part of. Sometimes the wins are huge such as having a book published, and other times it's simply something like ' I got my email newsletter out on time'. It's a nice prompt to think about my own wins and also to bask in other people's too.

With my coaching clients I've gone as far as sending a video of myself doing a happy dance to celebrate their win. Because that's what I'd promised to do when she got her book deal! I was in my friend's kitchen at the time, and it didn't stop me... the friend happily agreed to film the happy dance and was delighted that constituted 'work' for me!

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Love this Lucy and I loved our conversations in Valencia. I always say the things you end up being proud of were the things that didn’t come easy or involved struggle. So in that spirit and on a smaller scale to our Valencia chat, yesterday I was proud of myself for going to a festival on my own. It wasn’t easy and I had moments of wondering if people thought it was weird, but then a group of men came and pretty much dance battled in front of me whilst the brand new heavies were playing. They had the best moves! One tried to recruit me during the set, and whilst I was too shy to join in the moment, I managed to go over to them and thank them for bringing an unexpected bonus to my day at the end! Proud of myself for that ☺️

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Thanks, Helen, I love this! Bring on the happy dances! I’m also in a group of freelance women journalists and we have a wins thread. I must read it more often.

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Hello Nic! I love that you chatted to those dance battle men! I am glad you are proud, and I am proud of you too for going to the festival solo👏🍾xxx

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