What is The Honesty Box?
The Honesty Box is a weekly newsletter by me, Lucy Handley, a 40-something writer and journalist. I think if we can be honest about our lives’ ups and downs, we’ll understand each other better, and I write about what’s going on for me in the hope that you’ll say ‘Ah"! It’s not just me.’
I write about midlife, being childfree/childless, dating, dancing, ageing, joy and more
You can expect to read about how I feel about not having had kids (even though I always thought I would), lockdown dating from my childhood bedroom, and how to be more vulnerable (and no, it doesn’t mean you have to lie down in the road).
I also question why we’re so surprised when ‘old’ people do ‘young’ things, point out that the childless cat ladies are coming and introduce you to Text Lucy, my evil alter ego.
Oh and you can also read about my midlife clubbing renaissance here.
Why the name ‘The Honesty Box’?
Honesty boxes remind me of childhood holidays in Cornwall, where countryside carparks had wooden boxes for drivers to drop in a few coins that might go to the local church or village hall. They also make me think of the side-of-the-road vegetable stands in rural locations that charge 20p for a courgette. Instead of putting coins into a box, I’m dropping my thoughts here.
Honesty boxes are not fancy or shiny: they simply represent human trust and generosity. With this newsletter, instead of putting coins into a box, I’m dropping my thoughts here and finding my own voice. In doing so, I hope others will feel heard too.
Who are you, Lucy?
I’m Lucy, I’m 47 and I’d been writing about other people for 15 years as a journalist before I got brave enough to write about my own life in this newsletter. I guess I’m writing to find out what I’m thinking, a la Joan Didion.
You can read The Honesty Box newsletter and sign up to it here. And if you’d like to learn more about me, my website is here.